First, scientific knowledge and correctly grasp .

Newlywed couple should understand the anatomy of male and female reproductive organs of knowledge , in the size of the inner labia are two openings on top of a small opening near the clitoris is the urethra , which leads to the bladder, is the voiding of the channel ; in the urethra below the vaginal opening . silent vibrator
Some couples do not understand this , often mistaken urethra when the vaginal intercourse the penis did not enter the vagina , but inserted to the urethra, the woman not only easily lead to urinary tract infections, and both sides will feel intercourse discomfort or pain. massage vibrators

Some even married a few years still have not conducted a normal sexual intercourse , infertility to seek treatment with the results after inspection hymen still intact , but the urethra has been damaged. Over time the gradual expansion of the urethra , will be repeated urinary tract infection symptoms , can also cause acute and chronic nephritis, cystitis and other urinary system diseases . Another sex life position is not correct, such as men's upper body lift too high , the penis is inserted into the urethra easily . bluetooth vibrator

Second, should avoid rough sex .

Especially at first intercourse , the hymen rupture although inevitable, but if the action is too rude, not only to his wife to bring pain, increase the psychological fear of his wife , may also cause vaginal injury , severe and even vaginal tear, causing bleeding. Therefore, if the husband's action should be gentle , or the first 2-3 days after intercourse to stop a small wound healing to be having sex again , it will greatly reduce the damage on the hymen and vagina . toothbrush vibrator
Third, men should pay attention to hygiene and disease prevention .

To maintain the cleanliness of external genital organs , have a good married life is an important condition . Between the foreskin and glans men have some form smegma secretions , growth and reproduction of bacteria suitable environment . Wearing synthetic underwear unventilated situation worse. If you pay attention to hygiene , it is easy to form balanitis and urethritis. In sexual life will put the man into the woman's pollution smegma vagina , causing the woman's vaginal infections. quiet vibrators
Often stimulate the cervix, so that his wife can also increase the chance of developing cervical cancer . Some men like in a public bathroom, large pool house or a hotel with a pool inside a public toilet bath, put on the penis bacteria after sexual intercourse with his wife , easy to make his wife suffering from fungal vaginitis trichomonas vaginitis and other infectious diseases . These diseases not only damage organs , and because of stubbornly intractable , but also to his wife, causing great psychological burden. finger vibrators
Therefore, men should always pay attention to genital hygiene, cleaning, in addition to wash the penis and scrotum , penis head Coronal , pubic hair, perineum and anus should be cleaned. Should be cleaned before each intercourse genitals . Develop good habits , not only conducive to their own health , but also conducive to the health of his wife .
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